Yaejin’s Serendipity: Stop and Create. BlueTalk Vol. 2

GIF-Entrevista-de-YAEJINKorean artist Yaejin Shin waits impatiently at an improvised interview place: a roof near the City Hall Square in Cádiz. Yaejin Shin is currently living and working in her ‘Artist in Residence’ programme at the cultural association Linea de Costa in Cádiz.

Having honoured tea time with cookies and muffins, the BlueTalk is ready to be started. Yaejin looks curiously at the flowers of courgette plants in the vegetable garden that is placed behind her. Meanwhile, BlueMuffin sets the recorders ready. And amidst laughter, the interview begins.

Who is Yaejin Shin?

(Yaejin looks puzzled. After a while thinking it over, she decides) Have no idea.

Ok, ‘have no idea’. So you don’t know who you are? (laughs). She doesn’t know who she is. Now why did you come from the USA to Cádiz?

I really like to stay close to the beach, to the sea. I happened to know Cádiz. I happened to know Linea de Costa and Linea de Costa happened to accept me so… there it is!

What do you expect from Cádiz?

¡Nada! I only expect to meet very good people and new things.

What inspires you to create?

Very small things; very very very small things. It’s hard to explain. When I don’t expect anything important to happen or even mean to create, I do it.

Right, as in a sort of serendipity. And, being oblivious to those things, how do you notice them?

I think that’s the interesting thing for me because those things I always encounter in my life but pass everyday are there! They’re just like there-there-there-there-there (becomes excited) every day but I just pass-pass-pass-pass them… But one day, one moment, it just comes very big to me and I feel the need to make something out of it. Of course not every creative process follows this pattern, sometimes it’s different.

So, in religious talk, you have epiphanies that allow you to create.

(She laughs openly) Don’t make it so serious! But yeah, for me it’s very surprising to find myself in such experiences. Just like ‘Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh it’s there and I didn’t even notice it!’

That’s cool! Not many people do that!

Oh, I think MANY people do that!

Perhaps not as an inspiration to create.

Well, yeah that’s true (she laughs again).

Why video art precisely? Why not, say painting?

It would be nicer to have some other way to express myself. If I could paint well I would love to. If I could produce music, I’d love to. If I could do other things, I’d love to but I can’t. That’s a shame! (laughs loudly) Since I was really young I really liked video; I really liked film. Video and film are the only things I can do well to express myself properly.

Now do you think video art is profitable for the artist?

I think it’s not my choice to make, whether I can sell my art or not. I am very lucky that I didn’t have to sell my art so far. It’s a very difficult matter… (she thinks profoundly). You have to make money! It’s a very difficult situation to survive as an artist and make money. You have to acknowledge the fact that you have to make money.

What topics does Yaejin Shin cover on her work?

I’m trying to find alternative ways of communication without verbal methodology.

‘The Mutes’. Use a word to define this piece of yours.

You already said that (her eyes shine as she smiles).

Did I?


What do you think of Hollywood film industry?

It’s a very interesting and great industry which gives great opportunities and… ¿cómo se dice? Great development, and business but it’s supposes a shortage or limitation to actual film art.

In the US, you found yourself in Massachusett’s Institute of Technology (MIT). What did this experience mean to you?

My experience in MIT was very rewarding. I met incredible people: very intelligent, very intense, very hard-working. I got to know a lot things and research. Most importantly I got know about myself and all the opportunities available for me.

Are you a connoisseur of Spanish cinema?

I wouldn’t say ‘connoisseur’ but I do know some films. I guess my favourite is The Bad Education.

Spanish people often believe national cinema is of poor quality. What do you have to say about this? Does this belief exist outside Spain?

I’m not in the position of saying that! I really like The Bad Education. I didn’t have many chances to watch Spanish films but I’ll give them a shot  and I’ll let you know!

Favourite film?

¿Una? (She thinks and takes her time) I like all of Japanese director Ozu Yasujiro‘s.

Favourite film-maker/director?

Yasujiro, of course.

Will you remember BlueMuffin when you have won a Cannes prize?

(She laughs loudly) If that happens, of course I will! (laughs again)

Artist Yaejin Shin is developing an art project in Cádiz as part of her residence in Linea de Costa. Her project «Cuéntame Algo» is a public art project that studies the possibilities of accessing alternative modes to a purely verbal form of communication. This is a collaborative project. Up to 15th August, you can collaborate with Yaejin Shin by leaving a voicemail at the following number: 654 911 190.

To finish with Yaejin’s interview we played three songs for her and asked her which one she would choose for one of her creations. Take a look:

 Naturally, she chose ‘Lo siento mi amor’.



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